In today's world, rest has become an act of resistance. We are constantly pushed to make every second count, treating all our time with the same efficiency as our work hours. This mindset, deeply engrained in neoliberal thinking, leaves little room for simply being. This relentless drive to always be doing ‘something’ is the cause for a lot of ailments, from neuroses and depression to burnout.
I know this all too well. I experienced a burnout because I couldn't allow myself to stop and rest. People suggested meditation by watching a candle flame, yet I couldn't do that either. But as I tried, I started thinking about the candle shape. How it activates the space. How the candle holds very similar meanings across cultures. And how once it is lit up, it signifies a moment of attentiveness, of intentionality. 
These candles are temporal sculptures, designed to be burned. Their bodies activate the surrounding space, visualise and essentially embody the passage of time. And even more, our perception of its passing. The twists and turns in their bodies hint at how some moments last longer than others, even though the moments all last the same. The wax remains and burn marks are a testament to the passage of time.
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